Lexis and the American Bar Association have reached an agreement to digitize the ABA’s CLE programs so that they will be available online for lawyers to view. The ABA usually has some pretty good CLE programs, so this will be a nice online offering.
Legal Research Sites
Research Site of the Day
The faculty at the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University have published an e-book on election law, which forms the cornerstone of Election Law @ Moritz, “information and insight on the laws governing federal, state, and local elections. Looks like good stuff (Via Law Dawg Blawg)
Research Site of the Day
The Medicaid Resource Book is provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation, and describes “four pivotal aspects of how the Medicaid program operates — who it covers, what it covers, how it is financed, and how it is administered.” All of the resources here are contained in PDF files, so you can easily save them to…
Tracking Your Content
Do you ever wonder if anyone is using your content on the web? Do you clients ever wonder this? Perhaps Copyscape can help. This site, which is powered by GoogleAlert, allows you to enter the address of your original web page, and receive back a listing of sites where your content is being used.
Say it ain’t so!
Carolyn Elefant points out that my favorite investigative site, Accurint, has been bought out by Lexis (well, Reed Elsevier). Carolyn worries that Lexis may tinker with Accurint’s formula and raise prices in the process. Let’s hope not.
Research Site of the Day
Wanna catch a criminal in Massachusetts? Head over to MassMostWanted, select a region, and you’ll find a list of individuals currently wanted for robbery, theft, assault, and other offenses. You can even search by the type of crime or physical characteristics of the individual.
Shepardizing A La Carte
Lexis and Westlaw are wonderfully powerful services, but let’s face it, they’re darned expensive to use. That’s why I love to hear when there’s a new way to use these services in a way that won’t send your clients to your front door complaining about the size of their bills.
From Carole over at Internet…
And another honor, on the same day
I was also excited to find that Inter Alia has been named the MVP Site for July over at Internet Tools for Lawyers. Jerry Lawson always chooses interesting and helpful sites each month, and I’m flattered to be included. Thanks, Jerry!
The new Science.gov
Okay, maybe it’s not new (and this story is a little old), but Version 2.0 of Science.gov has debuted, with new relevance ranking technology that helps users “get to the best documents quickly.”
Briefs on the Net
Bob Ambrogi has updated his list of brief sites in A Brief Summary: Finding Briefs on the Web. Keep this page bookmarked — it’s a great selection of free and no-so-free brief sites.