This week, there was news from one company that pretty much drowned out all the rest, and that company goes by the name of Apple. This week was the first virtual World-Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC), the annual meeting where Apple announces new software updates, and developers can meet and listen to Apple engineers describe
The Friday Tech Fix – May 8, 2020
Welcome to your Friday Tech Fix for May 8, 2020! In the Tech Fix, I focus on what I consider to be the top technology news of the week, and why lawyers need to pay attention. For me there were two big stories this week – let’s dive in:
Microsoft Dives Deep with Surface. While…
The Friday Tech Fix – May 1, 2020
Welcome to your Friday Tech Fix for the first day of May, 2020. From a news perspective, there were the usual landslide of stories about virtual meetings, Zoom, working from home, and the like. You can catch up on some of the other stories I found interesting at my “extra” newsletter, The Extra Mighell.…
Introducing the Friday Tech Fix
I will wager that most of you don’t have a lot of time to keep up with the latest tech gadgets, apps, sites, and services. While I probably don’t have a lot of time for that either, I have come to recognize my tech addiction for what it is, and have accepted my need to…
Gadgets Galore
In the market for a new tech toy? Check out CNet’s Top 100 Products.
A cleaner keyboard
Remember the January 4 issue of the newsletter where I discussed how to clean your keyboard? It turns out a keyboard and mouse can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat.
That’s why Fellowes has introduced an anti-bacterial keyboard — a substance injected into the plastic that forms the keyboard creates an environment where
Focus on Wireless
The latest edition of Law Practice Today is out, and the focus is wireless. I’m flattered that my article, From Clueless to Wireless in Fifteen Minutes (Give or Take) was included.
Speaking of evil…
Dennis Kennedy discusses my biggest temptation over at Law Practice Today — gadgets. He offers a listing of links on where to find information and reviews on gadgets, and there’s also an article there featuring the favorite gadgets of a number of tech-savvy legal types. Check them both out.
Warning: Drooling ahead for gadget lovers
Couldn’t make it to Consumer Electronics Show 2003? No problem. CNet provides you with the Top 10 products unveiled at the show.
“God’s Machine” vs. ad-free television
I’m a new TiVo user (thanks in part to Ernie), and I think it’s terrific. Apparently, so does the chairman of the FCC, who just got a TiVo for Christmas and calls it “God’s Machine.”.
When the head of communications for the United States starts talking like that, the television industry gets nervous. So…