This week, there was news from one company that pretty much drowned out all the rest, and that company goes by the name of Apple. This week was the first virtual World-Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC), the annual meeting where Apple announces new software updates, and developers can meet and listen to Apple engineers describe
The Friday Tech Fix – May 22, 2020
Welcome to the Memorial Day Weekend edition of The Friday Tech Fix, featuring three stories from the consumer technology world lawyers need to know about. Although it was a pretty quiet week overall, there were nevertheless three stories that I think were pretty big. So let’s get started!
If you Virtually “Build” It, Will They
The Friday Tech Fix – May 1, 2020
Welcome to your Friday Tech Fix for the first day of May, 2020. From a news perspective, there were the usual landslide of stories about virtual meetings, Zoom, working from home, and the like. You can catch up on some of the other stories I found interesting at my “extra” newsletter, The Extra Mighell.…
Getting and Using a Password Manager, Part 2: Requirements
In my first post, Getting and Using a Password Manager – For Real, This Time, I made the case for why all of you should be using a password manager – at least until something better comes along. In Part 2, having assumed I have convinced you of the need, it’s time to talk…
The Friday Tech Fix
It was a pretty quiet week in the world of consumer technology, although everyone is still finding ways to get bent out of shape about using Zoom (see below for more). Here are my top tech stories of the week:
Welcome to Microsoft 365! In the biggest non-story story of the week, Microsoft officially changed…
Introducing the Friday Tech Fix
I will wager that most of you don’t have a lot of time to keep up with the latest tech gadgets, apps, sites, and services. While I probably don’t have a lot of time for that either, I have come to recognize my tech addiction for what it is, and have accepted my need to…
Working with MS Office Documents on the iPad
Anybody who has heard me talk about the iPad knows that I have been frustrated with the lack of good apps to work on MS Office documents. Although Microsoft has yet to debut an iPad-friendly version of Word or Excel, a couple of apps have come out in the past few months that show promise…
Spring Cleaning During the Summer, Part 3: Taking out the Junk
I’ll finish my “Spring Cleaning During the Summer” series by talking about what’s inside your computer, now that we’ve done our best to clean the outside. If you’re like me, you’ve installed a lot of programs that you no longer use, and you probably also have a lot of junk on your computer that you…
Leaving PPT
I will freely admit that I am a PowerPoint devotee – when it comes to presentations, I just don’t feel comfortable moving away from its familiar features. But that doesn’t mean I love the program – and I’ll wager that many of you aren’t fans, either. So in the interest of equal time, take a…
Flowcharts for Free
Do you need to create a diagram or flowchart but don’t have Microsoft Visio? Visio is a strong diagramming tool, but if you don’t have MS Office, or didn’t pony up for the version with Visio, you won’t have access to it. Instead, check out MeeSoft’s Diagram Designer. It’s a dead simple way to…