The law blogs just keep on coming! Here are a few worth mentioning:

I was devastated when the LLRX Newsstand stopped publishing back in December — it was a must-have website for the latest in news at the crossroads of law and technology. I have known for about a month that my new friend Sabrina Pacifici was planning a weblog to take up where the Newsstand left off, and I’ve been dying to talk about it. Well, beSpacific is finally live, and I’m happy to welcome her to the blawg-osphere. Not many bloggers launch their websites with over 4 months of archives…

An Atlanta-based management lawyer has launched laborblog, with its focus on U.S. labor relations news from the private sector. (Via Bag and Baggage) (also via Bag and Baggage), presents mostly tech and IP law news, “for nerds at heart.”

Finally, a mention to, “your source for law and legal related weblogs.” The site is pretty new, and doesn’t have every blawg that’s out there, but it’s a good start. Also, I was surprised to find that Inter Alia was listed as a Corporate and Securities blawg, and not in theResearch section where it (probably) more properly belongs. The coolest thing about the site, though, are the Blawg Gear you can buy on the site, including t-shirts, coffee mugs, and mousepads. I am ordering mine today!