Yahoo’s Local Search is out of beta testing, and Chris Sherman has a comprehensive review. In my opinion, this is the local search to beat.
Search Engines
Yahoo gets personal
In recent posts I have mentioned A9 and changes to Ask Jeeves, allowing users to save or otherwise personalize their search results. Now Yahoo gets into the act with My Yahoo! Search. The results pages allow you to save sites (with or without notes), share them, or block them from your computer. As…
The next generation of Vivisimo
A new look for Jeeves
Ask Jeeves has unveiled some new and interesting features this week. First is the ability to save specific search results to an online folder, which will hold 1,000 search listings (more if you register, for free). You can also organize, annotate, and share the sites you save.
9/29 Update: Gary Price has a lengthy …
A research tool with something for everyone
A brand new search engine is unveiled again
A number of months ago, Amazon introduced its new A9 search engine, dubbed as a potential “Google killer.” After a few days the buzz about A9 went away, and we didn’t really hear about it any more. Until yesterday, that is. A9 has unveiled a new version of A9, and I have to admit it’s…
Google’s local search gets better
Awhile back I mentioned that I liked Yahoo’s local search better than the service being offered by Google. Well, Google must have heard something, because it has improved the interface of its search results. The maps are now being displayed on the search results page, and it’s a cleaner interface. The results seem to…
The (last) month in search engines
Chris Sherman’s Search Engine Milestones for August 2004 is already up, for those of you who missed the major search engine news last month.
Copernic: Looking Within
Copernic, which has previously been known for its meta-search tool and meta toolbar, is turning inward with its Copernic Desktop Search, a product that will index and search your computer for files. Best of all, it’s free! Gary Price has a review at SearchDay.
New search tools at Lycos
Lycos has rolled out some new search tools, as reviewed by Chris Sherman. I agree with Chris that the PeopleSearch looks a lot like other people finders on the Internet. I also agree that the Lycos Discussion Search is pretty cool. It searches the Yahoo and MSN discussion groups, as well as other sites where…