I’m finally back from vacation, and I’m facing the worst part of being on vacation: catching up. I’ll try to update the blog soon — stay tuned!

By the way, for some reason my RSS feed did not update during my absence. I think I have fixed it — so make sure you go back

I’m off to Maui for my sister’s wedding this Friday — although I’ll be gone, through the magic of pMachine you can still enjoy my posts on a daily basis. See you next week!

A quick trip through the blogosphere finds a lot of people taking the weekend off. Not here at Inter Alia — we have too much to talk about (and catch up on, too)! So hang on — it’s going to be a busy weekend!

What’s going on here? The weekend is usually a quiet time in the blogosphere. That’s nice, because it gives me time to work on the newsletter. But this weekend my news reader was just bursting with information dying to be told. And tell it I must…