I’ve visited this site before, but it’s worth mentioning again, because it’s a great example of how you can use the Internet to make “research come to you.” NetNewsTracker searches Usenet newsgroups for anything you want — just sign up, enter your search terms, and whenever those terms appear in a Usenet post, you’ll receive

Yahoo is stepping into the waters of online travel with its new FareChase site. It has a clean interface, but what’s really nifty about this site is where the search results take you. If the fare is available at Orbitz, you’ll be taken to Orbitz. If the fare is at another airline website, you’ll be

When I was at ABA TECHSHOW, I got into a conversation with a group of people who were sick and tired of having to register to gain access to certain websites. Most of them use fake names/e-mail addresses when doing so. Turns out they aren’t alone. Check out BugMeNot — just enter the URL of