I’ve visited this site before, but it’s worth mentioning again, because it’s a great example of how you can use the Internet to make “research come to you.” NetNewsTracker searches Usenet newsgroups for anything you want — just sign up, enter your search terms, and whenever those terms appear in a Usenet post, you’ll receive
Web and Online Culture
New Travel Search Engine
Yahoo is stepping into the waters of online travel with its new FareChase site. It has a clean interface, but what’s really nifty about this site is where the search results take you. If the fare is available at Orbitz, you’ll be taken to Orbitz. If the fare is at another airline website, you’ll be…
Is Google News Looking Over Its Shoulder?
Back last November I mentioned that Microsoft was testing a news service designed to rival the terrific Google News. Well, Newsbot is finally going live in the U.S., and in a review Chris Sherman over at SearchDay says the personalization services it offers are a lot likeFindory. Give it a try.
Towards a more efficient love life
To those of you who say that technology has made our lives colder and less personal, I say: get yourself a Blackberry and start dating!
Trading Starbucks for surfing
A recent survey of employees finds that almost half of them would rather give up their morning coffee than the right to surf the Web at work. One of the interesting things about this survey is that employees say they spend an average of 2 hours a week at work surfing the web; IT…
Are YOU an addict?
Do you find you are spending more time online than is reasonably healthy for you? Here’s a test to determine if you indeed are an Internet addict.
Relying on MEMRI to save your life
Recently in the Network-Lawyers mailing list, the discussion centered on the best way to carry your important medical information with you wherever you go, and the ways technology is making this easier. Now it looks like Michigan is taking things a step further. With its new MEMRI Electronic Medical Record Initiative, the state aims…
Registration Bypass
When I was at ABA TECHSHOW, I got into a conversation with a group of people who were sick and tired of having to register to gain access to certain websites. Most of them use fake names/e-mail addresses when doing so. Turns out they aren’t alone. Check out BugMeNot — just enter the URL of…
Registering for the news more common
Wired reports that more and more online news organizations are requiring users to submit personal information in order to gain access to site content. And most people are willing to do it.
I think it’s a fair tradeoff, as long as the news sites don’t sell or otherwise disseminate the personal information.
Breaking the habit?
A technology analyst wonders if Google is good for you. He vows to break his addiction to Google in 2004, and improve the quality of his searching. That’s a goal I think any Web researcher should strive for in the coming year.