Check out Chris Sherman’s Three Cool Search Gizmos], with some nifty tools to enhance your searching experience. I especially like the Printer Friendly bookmarklet, which automatically finds the “Printer Friendly” page so you don’t have to scour the page looking for the tiny link.
Useful Web Sites
Google Groups Relaunches
Google Groups launched a new version of itself, replacing the old iteration. The new features allow users to create their own groups, as well as the ability to create a mailing list. These features were first introduced a few months ago, as Danny Sullivan discussed here. John Battelle has a lot more on Google
Step Right Up and Win a Prize!
CEOs Who Blog
As blogs become more a part of the Internet mainstream, corporate leaders are using them to discuss their companies and the business world in general. That’s why a site like the CEO Blogs List is so cool — it’s a list of CEOs (and others in leadership positions) who are currently blogging. Better, it’s also…
Another Word about PubSub
I have mentioned PubSub several times over the past year — it is a terrific way to keep up with information on the Internet, without having to constantly check resources day after day. Once you set PubSub to monitor your keyword searches for you, all you have to do is wait for the results to…
Another Reason to try the Yahoo! Toolbar
If you want to add an extra dimension to your search experience, download and try the Yahoo! Toolbar, which now offers access to the two million library records of WorldCat, a central catalog of library holdings.
Become a URL Expert
Sometimes an important part of getting to the right source on the Internet is knowing the exact URL. Once you understand how URLs work, you can often find information that did not appear to be immediately available. The folks at Eipert Information Services have a two-part series on URLs that you should definitely check out:…
100 New Ways to Look at the News
Gary Price mentioned a nifty news visualization tool last week, called 10×10. It’s a grid of 100 pictures (thus, 10 by 10), with news stories (from Reuters, BBC, and New York Times) associated with each. The photos/stories are updated each hour. Not a very hard-hitting news site, but then again, it’s not intended to
Today’s Election Site
This week I’m going to offer some election sites worth visiting, just in time for November 2. First up are some good articles from LLRX. Diana Botluk offers Election Concerns: Will Your Vote Count? Are You Sure?, with tons of links on election issues. And Kathy Biehl updates her Federal and State Election…
The Top 101
PC Magazine has released its Fall 2004 Edition of the Top 101 Web Sites. Definitely worth a look.